Fabric dust collectors are commonly known as bagfilters and Baghouses are the most efficient and cost effective dust collector models. Dust enters the fabric filter compartment. Larger particles drop out while smaller dust particles collect on filter Bags. When the dust layer thickness reaches a level where flow through the system is restricted (called pressure drop or delta P), the bag cleaning process is initiated. Cleaning can be done while the compartment is still online (filtering) or in isolation (offline). Once cleaned, the compartment is placed back in service and the filtering process starts over. There are three prominent types of cleaning process in bagfilters and baghouses: Reverse Air (Gas Cleaning), Pulse Air (Compressed Air Cleaning) and Shaker (Mechanical Cleaning). Bags are made of different material such as woven or felted cotton, synthetic, or glass-fiber.
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We do support Control Units for all type of equipment, including:
Control Unit for ESP
- Equipped colored monitoring system which are can be controlled manually or by touch screen
- Detecting emergency situation
- Ability of recording and displaying alarm according to occurrence time
- Controlling voltage and currency according to optimized process condition
- Calibrating parameters by software in both different mode, CO (Full disruption currency or gradually decreasing currency)
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Control Unit for Bag house
Bag house
- Available for both online cleaning process and offline cleaning process
- Equipped colored monitoring system which are can be controlled by touch screen with different operation modes such as: Pulse sequence, Delta pressure, Online, offline
All of these panels can display all quantities of parameters in diagram state
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Control Unit for Bag filter
Bag filter
- Available for two ∆P and pulse sequence mode
- Monitoring system for indicating Pulse number and adapting with 24 V and 240 V Valve
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